Optimizing Security: How to Best Position Your Security Cameras

When it comes to home security, one of the most important things you can do is install security cameras. However, simply having cameras isn’t enough – you need to position them in the right places to get the most out of them. In this article, we’ll go over some tips and best practices for positioning your security cameras.

First and foremost, it’s important to consider the most common points of entry for burglars. Ground-floor doors and windows are obvious targets, so it’s a good idea to have cameras pointed at these areas both inside and outside your home. Additionally, you may want to consider placing cameras at other entry points, such as basement windows or garage doors.

Another important factor to consider is the angle and height of your cameras. Most experts recommend placing cameras at a height of 8-10 feet, which is high enough to be out of reach but low enough to capture faces and other details. Additionally, tilting your cameras downward slightly can help ensure that they capture the most important details, such as faces and license plates.

Choosing the Right Location

When it comes to installing security cameras, choosing the right location is crucial. Here, we will discuss two important sub-sections to consider when choosing the right location: coverage area and viewing angle.

Coverage Area

The coverage area of a security camera refers to the area that the camera can see and record. It is important to choose a location that provides a clear view of the area you want to monitor. Consider the following when choosing a location:

  • Identify the areas you want to monitor: Start by identifying the areas that you want to monitor. This could include entryways, driveways, and outdoor spaces.
  • Position the camera strategically: Once you have identified the areas you want to monitor, position the camera strategically to ensure that it covers as much of the area as possible.
  • Consider the camera’s field of view: The field of view of a camera refers to the area that the camera can see. Make sure the camera’s field of view covers the entire area you want to monitor.

Viewing Angle

The viewing angle of a security camera refers to the angle at which the camera captures footage. It is important to choose a location that provides a clear and unobstructed view of the area you want to monitor. Consider the following when choosing a location:

  • Choose a height: The height at which you mount your camera can affect the viewing angle. About nine feet off the ground outside and seven feet inside is a good rule-of-thumb for mounting security cameras.
  • Avoid obstructions: Make sure that there are no obstructions, such as trees or walls, blocking the camera’s view.
  • Consider lighting: Lighting can affect the clarity of the footage. Make sure that the camera is not pointed towards the sun, and that it captures indirect light that won’t cause glare.

Mounting Options

When it comes to mounting security cameras, there are several factors to consider. In this section, we will discuss the height, indoor vs outdoor placement, and accessibility of security cameras.


The height at which you mount your security cameras can greatly affect their effectiveness. Placing them too low can make them vulnerable to vandalism or tampering, while placing them too high can make it difficult to see faces or other important details. Most experts recommend mounting cameras at a height of 8 to 10 feet for optimal coverage.

However, the ideal height may vary depending on the specific location and purpose of the camera. For example, cameras placed at entryways may benefit from being mounted slightly lower to capture faces more clearly. On the other hand, cameras placed in large open spaces may benefit from being mounted higher to provide a wider field of view.

Indoor vs Outdoor

When it comes to indoor cameras, the placement options are virtually limitless. These cameras can be placed on shelves, tables, or mounted on walls or ceilings. However, outdoor cameras require a bit more consideration. They need to be weatherproof and protected from the elements, and they may require professional installation to ensure they are properly mounted and wired.

Outdoor cameras should be placed at points of entry, such as doors and windows, as well as other areas of concern, such as driveways or backyards. They should be mounted high enough to be out of reach, but not so high that they can’t capture important details.


Another important factor to consider when mounting security cameras is accessibility. Cameras should be placed in areas where they can be easily accessed for maintenance or adjustments. They should also be placed in areas where they won’t be obstructed by trees, shrubs, or other objects.

If you’re mounting cameras yourself, be sure to follow all manufacturer instructions and safety guidelines. If you’re not comfortable with the installation process, it’s best to hire a professional to ensure the cameras are properly installed and positioned.

Camera Settings

When it comes to security cameras, the position is important but so are the camera settings. In this section, we will discuss the key camera settings that you should consider when positioning your security cameras.


The resolution of your security camera determines the level of detail you can capture in your footage. Higher resolution cameras will capture more detail, making it easier to identify faces, license plates, and other important details. However, higher resolution cameras also require more storage space and bandwidth. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance between resolution and storage space.

Frame Rate

The frame rate of your security camera determines how many frames per second (fps) it captures. A higher frame rate will result in smoother footage, but it will also require more storage space and bandwidth. We recommend a frame rate of at least 15 fps for security cameras. However, if you want to capture fast-moving objects, you may need a higher frame rate.

Night Vision

Most security cameras come with night vision capabilities, which allow them to capture footage in low-light conditions. However, not all night vision is created equal. Some cameras use infrared (IR) technology, while others use color night vision. IR night vision is more common and generally more effective, but it only captures black and white footage. Color night vision, on the other hand, captures color footage but may not be as effective in low-light conditions.

Maintenance and Upkeep

When it comes to security cameras, maintenance and upkeep are essential to ensure that they are operating at their best. Here are some tips to keep your security cameras in top condition:

  • Regularly clean your cameras to prevent dirt, dust, and debris from accumulating on the lenses. This can affect the quality of the footage and make it difficult to see what is happening.
  • Check the camera housing for any signs of damage or wear and tear. If you notice any cracks or other damage, it is important to replace the housing to prevent water or other elements from damaging the camera.
  • Make sure to keep your cameras up to date with the latest firmware updates. These updates often include important security fixes and other improvements that can help keep your cameras running smoothly.
  • Regularly test your cameras to ensure that they are working properly. This can help you identify any issues early on and prevent more serious problems from developing.

It is also important to have a plan in place for dealing with any issues that may arise with your security cameras. This can include having a backup power source in case of a power outage or having spare cameras on hand in case one needs to be replaced.

By following these tips and staying on top of maintenance and upkeep, you can help ensure that your security cameras are always operating at their best and providing you with the peace of mind that comes with knowing your property is secure.


When it comes to positioning security cameras, there are several factors to consider. We recommend starting by identifying the areas of your property that are most vulnerable to break-ins or other security threats. From there, you can determine the best locations for your cameras.

Remember to consider factors like camera height, angle, and field of view, as well as any privacy concerns. It’s also important to ensure that your cameras are installed properly and securely to prevent tampering or theft.

By following these tips and taking the time to carefully position your security cameras, you can help protect your property and keep your loved ones safe. Don’t hesitate to consult with a professional security company if you need additional guidance or support.

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